Hemorrhoids or Piles are swollen and inflamed blood vessels that occur in the lower rectum or anus. They can cause discomfort, itching, pain, and sometimes bleeding during bowel movements. While hemorrhoids are a common condition, seeking expert care is essential for effective treatment and relief.
Haemorrhoids are the medical word for piles. They are enlargements and swellings of the blood vessels within the rectum or surrounding the anus. Most piles are minor, and most people aren't even aware that they exist. However, severe cases may show up as bright red blood bleeding after passing stools, a lump or pile that is moving lower and may need to be pushed back in, and itching around the anus.
Although the precise etiology of piles is unknown, it is known that chronic constipation may increase the risk of piles. The blood veins in and around the anus and within the rectum are under pressure from the constant strain required to pass bowels, which could lead to swelling. A person's chance of having piles is further increased if they are fat or overweight, pregnant, or over 50.
✶ those who need to sit for long periods of time
✶ those with liver cirrhosis
✶ those who lift heavy weights
✶ have long term cough
✶ have anal intercourse
✶ have anal intercourse